
Does InTempo have any type of certification?

Certainly. We are certified as “Construction Works Implementing Body” by the Mexican National Housing Commission (Spa. Acr. CONAVI), and received system authorizations in Panama and Bolivia. We are in the system validation stage with the National Institute of Physical and Educational Infrastructure (Spa. Acr. INIFED) and by the National Agency for Standardization and Certification of Construction and Building, S.C. (Spa. Acr. ONNCCE)

Why is it important to have patents?

Companies develop new technologies focused on problem solving, as our product is in the market it is convenient to legally protect it, assuring exclusive use for the company owner of the invention for a given period, facilitating investments in technology and innovation.

How do we know that PVC is not toxic?

At InTempo, we are aware that our products will be part of your daily lives. That’s why we carefully select the right materials, so we can ensure that none of our products are toxic or polluting, and that they are lead-free. A clear representation of the use of PVC in construction can be seen in window frames around the world.

The material you use is antibacterial?

That’ s right. PVC is germ-free, which means that it is not possible to spread pests, rust, mold, germs or humidity, and therefore the product does not decompose.

In case of a fire, do the panels have any kind of retardant effect?

Another advantage of PVC is that it is a fireproof material and at InTempo we add a fire retardant.

What kind of tests are carried out to guarantee resistance to earthquakes, hurricanes and earthquakes?

Our construction system was subjected to destructive laboratory tests based on ASTME 72 (Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength Test of Panels for Building Construction) and ASTM E564 (Method of Static Load Test for Shear Resistance of Framed Walls for Buildings). Tests performed: – Compressive Strength – Load Perpendicular to Plane – Flexion – Load Parallel to Plane – Cutting.

If I purchase, do I have any kind warranty?

That’s right, we rely so much on our construction system that we can guarantee it for up to 20 years, even though your construction will stand on for many more years.

Why should I consider InTempo products to be used my property?

In addition to our warranty, service, quality, time and labor savings, our products were developed specifically to create durable living spaces.

How does the Verte watering system work?

It is very simple, it is only connected to a water source and irrigation can be conducted manually or automatically. Verte has an inlet on top, connected to multi-perforated pipes which distribute water all over the wall.

Can this system be used to develop any type of project?

Yes, any project of up to 3 levels with any of our Custodia, Lacruma or Verte systems; we also have solid concrete, lightweight, and hybrid roofs. We can develop your entire project using registered and patented products manufactured in Mexico

If your question is not in this list, please contact us.

Our Phones: +52 01 (442) 228 3617 , +52 01 (442) 228 0975

Email: ventas@intempo.com.mx

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