Modular construction: greener, faster and smarter

More green

The factory-controlled process generates less waste, creates less site disturbance and allows for tighter construction.

Increased flexibility and reuse: Modular buildings can be disassembled and modules can be relocated or refurbished for a new use, reducing the demand for raw materials and minimizing the amount of energy spent to create a building that meets new needs.

Less Material Waste – When building in a factory, waste is eliminated by recycling materials, controlling inventory, and protecting building materials.

Improved Air Quality – Because the modular structure is substantially completed in a factory-controlled environment using dry materials, the potential for high levels of moisture trapped in new construction is eliminated.


Construction of modular buildings occurs simultaneously with site work, allowing projects to be completed in half the time of traditional construction.

Reduced Construction Hours:
Because construction of modular buildings can occur simultaneously with site and foundation work, projects can be completed 30% to 50% ahead of traditional construction.

Elimination of weather delays:
60 – 90% of construction is completed inside a factory, which mitigates the risk of weather delays. Buildings are occupied sooner, creating a quicker return on investment.

Built to code with quality materials:
Modular buildings are built to meet or exceed the same building codes and standards as site-built structures, and the same architect-specified materials used in conventionally constructed buildings are used in modular construction projects: wood, concrete and steel.


Modular buildings are built with the
same materials and with the same building codes and architectural specifications as traditional construction. Once assembled, they are virtually indistinguishable from their site-built counterparts.

Safer Construction:
The indoor construction environment reduces accident risks and related responsibilities for workers.

Best Engineering and BIM Building:
PMC relies on advanced BIM for visualization to assess energy performance and identify the most cost-effective efficiency measures. PMC is ideal for the use of this technology where the construction process is already a collaboration of systems, materials and people, as well as the software itself.

Unlimited Design Opportunities:
The modular units can be designed to match the external aesthetics of any existing building and the modular units, once assembled, are virtually indistinguishable from their site-built counterparts.

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