Category: Tips


Importance of thermal control of a shelter

Why is thermal control of a telecommunications shelter / site important?

In telecommunications shelters located in hot and remote locations, temperature control is critical to keeping thermally sensitive electronic equipment in good working order.

The highest energy consumption in an equipment room is only in the cooling system, so it is important to implement it correctly because it can consume more than necessary to run its processes. The most important reason is to reduce operating expenses, so that in this way the money is allocated to computing resources.

Thermoacoustic construction methods provide buildings with high thermal mass, which feel cool even on the hottest day because they heat slowly and have limited temperature fluctuations between day and night. Potentially saving money and reducing energy consumption and emissions.

Using smart construction helps the best thermal performance and energy efficiency.

Posted by adminbizweb33
Industry Commerce and Industry Tips

Ecological construction. Sustainable and Resilient.


Sustainable or “green” building design and construction is a resource-wise approach to creating higher-quality, healthier, and more energy-efficient homes and commercial buildings. A green building is more than the sum of its parts (with resource conservation in mind): its process and its impacts also matter.


Green design is about finding that balance between high-quality construction and low environmental impact. A lighter footprint means a more durable planet, which is a win for the builder, the customer, and the environment. Green building is a goal and a process. Seeing sustainable construction as a process is important, because successful green building is not just a matter of building with green materials. Green building combines materials and processes to maximize efficiency, durability, and savings.
Making smarter decisions early on can save time, money, and frustration later on. Conducting life cycle assessments gives you valuable planning and purchasing insights based on the anticipated lifetime impact or expense of a product or process.

Posted by adminbizweb33